Review: Jessica Sorensen – The Redemption of Callie and Kayden

The Coincidence Series:

Book 2:

The Redemption of Callie and Kayden: Kayden Owens and Callie Lawrence

The Redemption of Callie and Kayden (The Coincidence, #2)

Purchase on Amazon: Jessica Sorensen – The Redemption of Callie & Kayden


The dark secret Kayden has kept hidden for years is out. Worse, he’s facing charges for battery. The only way he stands a chance against the charges is if Callie speaks up, something he’ll never ask her to do.

Callie knows Kayden is going back to his dark place and desperately wants to save him. But saving him means admitting her secrets aloud. Callie and Kayden are stronger than they think, especially when they’re together. Together they move forward, face their demons, and finally start to heal from their traumatic pasts.


Jessica Sorensen as done it again, Sorensen has quickly become one of my favorite authors and by far my favorite New Adult author. Callie and Kayden wormed their way into my heart in the first book. Both are just so damaged but trying to make the best of their situations. When we left the first book it was on one of the worst/best cliffhangers ever! It was doozy. When we pick up this book it is right after the events of the previous book. We find out pretty quickly the fate of Kayden.

Even though Kayden survives the knife wound in his side it is played off as a suicide attempt and he is separated from Callie. The beginning of this book is the struggle between Callie and Kayden as they adjust to Kayden’s new situation. When they finally come together it is both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. Each is so terribly broken, but together they become stronger both as individuals as well as a couple. Together, yet separately they face the demons that have had them running for so long. Sorensen takes on an emotional journey along with Callie and Kayden; she is a master at making you feel what the character’s feel. You laugh, you cry, and you feel frustrated all along with the characters. I definitely cried in this book, tho I cry in almost all of Sorensen’s books. When Kayden recounts his childhood you cry for the child he was and for the man that he is becoming.

Callie also makes you tear up, she opens up more to Kayden about her own trauma and again you feel a loss of a childhood, innocence torn from a young girl. You’d have to be ice to not feel anything for these damaged characters. When Callie opens up to those she needs to most it’s a bit anti-climactic, but at that point it was almost a perfect way to approach it. By this time, Callie was healing, she was moving past her 12th birthday, and she was starting anew and no longer living in her fear. When it all went down, she became the strong one, she had to be. Kayden was there with her in spirit and in body.

This book was definitely steamier from the first and Callie explores her sexuality with Kayden. Although Kayden was the one the experience when he is with Callie, it’s almost like he’s experiencing things for the first time as well. While Callie and Kayden take their emotional journey Seth and Ethan of course are right there with them. Luke, in particular is still a bit mysterious and we want to know more about him; which is a good thing since his book is next and I cannot wait for it. It looks like it’s going to be GOOD and I would not expect anything less from Jessica Sorensen.

Rating: 5 Romanticals

*This copy was provided through NetGalley for an honest review, no other compensation was provided.

ARC Review: Tiffany Reisz – The Mistress

The Original Sinners Series:

Book 4:

The Mistress: Nora Sutherlin

The Mistress (The Original Sinners, #4)

Expected publication: July 30th 2013

Purchase on Amazon: Tiffany Reisz – The Mistress (The Original Sinners)



There’s punishment-and then there’s vengeance.

Nora Sutherlin is being held, bound and naked. Under different circumstances, she would enjoy the situation immensely, but her captor isn’t interested in play. Or pity.

As the reality of her impending peril unfolds, Nora becomes Scheherazade, buying each hour of her life with stories-sensual tales of Søren, Kingsley and Wesley, each of whom has tempted and tested and tortured her in his own way. This, Nora realizes, is her life: nothing so simple, so vanilla, as a mere love triangle for her. It’s a knot in a silken cord, a tangled mass of longings of the body and the heart and the mind. And it may unravel at any moment.

But in Nora’s world, no one is ever truly powerless-a cadre of her friends, protectors and lovers stands ready to do anything to save her, even when the only certainty seems to be sacrifice and heartbreak….


So I just finished the book and at the very end, i kept clicking thinking there was no way she was going to end the series like that! click click away until I finally had to admit defeat and alas it was the end. =(

Love her or hate her you have to admit that Tiffany Reisz can write a damn book! The characters are developed the scenes so real you feel like you are there with them. Surprisingly funny and yet intense at the same time. She pushes your comfort zone sometimes to places you don’t want to go, but you can’t stop reading anyway. Although this is probably the tamest book in the series sex wise this series as a whole is not for the squeamish.

For me this book pulls things together, the things that may have made you uncomfortable in previous books are brought into better light in this book, more understanding behind the feelings or thought processes of some of the characters. Tiffany Reisz has this way of explaining the lifestyle in a way that I think even the most “vanilla” would have an easier time understanding, they may not agree with it, but they have a better understanding of the kink lifestyle.

As previously mentioned kink wise this book is probably the tamest but it s still highly entertaining. Nora becomes our sensual story teller as she takes us through some of her previous sexcapades. In the Prince sometime the the switching from present to past was jarring as you are yanked out of one scene into another, this time the transition is more fluid and natural. You don’t feel jarred as we move from the present into story telling mode. For me the transitioning between timelines and characters was flawless and I expect nothing less from Reisz. I loved this book as much as the previous. By the end I was pretty satisfied with everyone’s paths and there a few extra surprises thrown in. It also looks like Reisz left it open for some novellas for the future as this is supposed to be the last full length of this series. Although Griffin and Michael aren’t in this book much and I missed them. They are my favorite M/M couple!

Rating 4.5 Romanticals

WIN SIGNED copies of Tiffany Reisz Original Sinners Series

CLOSED!! Winners will be contacted


Hey all!

We are stoked to be giving away a total of four signed books signed by the wonderful Tiffany Reisz! Dawn was lucky enough to meet Ms. Reisz at a signing and I made her grab me a copy of the Angel and a copy of the Angel for a giveaway. Tiffany Reisz was wonderful enough to also sign and mail to me The Siren and the Prince and if that wasn’t enough she decided to throw in a signed copy of the Mistress as well. Tell me that isn’t cool as hell of her to do!

I thought about giving away the set as a whole to one lucky winner but ultimately decided to spread the love and give four winners one copy. So what I am going to do is in the Rafflecopter I have made leaving a comment a mandatory item. In the comments please list in order your desired book. Picked winner #1 will get the first choice and winner #2 will get next pick based on their comment list and so on.

I have also made one other item mandatory. I am making it required that you follow Lets Get Romantical in some sort of way. We don’t care how, it can be via email, Linky, FB, Twitter, etc… But since this is kind of a special giveaway and likely will not be able to happen again in the near future this is probably the one time we will make it mandatory.  The more ways you follow the more points you earn! I didn’t make it mandatory that you follow Tiffany Reisz in some sort of manner but do her a solid for being so cool and like her FB page or follow on twitter, something. Her fB, Twitter and Newsletter info are all in the Rafflecopter and you can earn points for following her too.



Because of shipping costs regrettably, this giveaway is only open to the US. I apologize to my international peeps.

Directly below is the link to Rafflecopter. Please fill it out and don’t forget to leave your comment because if you don’t leave a comment you’ll get whatever is left and you know you want to at least TRY for your favorite.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ARC Review: Lindsey Piper – Blood Warrior

The Dragon Kings Series:

Book 2:

Blood Warrior: Tallis and Kavya


Blood Warrior (Dragon Kings, #2)



Expected publication: July 30th 2013

Purchase on Amazon: Lindsey Piper – Blood Warrior: Dragon Kings Book Two (The Dragon Kings)



As a young man, sarcastic, violent Tallis Pendray believed the Dragon Kings’ survival depended on a prophecy delivered in dreams by a woman named “the Sun.” His role has been to complete inexplicable, even reprehensible tasks. First, by murdering a priest, he united his fragmented clan in their hatred of him. Dubbed “the Heretic,” Tallis fled his family’s Highland estate. Now disillusioned, he seeks revenge on the woman he holds responsible for two decades of exile.


Telepath Kavya Indranan is a charismatic, seductive cult leader born to a prominent family. However, she grew up terrorized by the ominous threat of her powerful, insane twin brother. On the run and hiding among the poor, she witnessed the destruction wrought by her clan’s centuries-old civil war. Maturity nurtures Kavya’s determination to end the cycle of bloodshed. Those who follow her call for peace have nicknamed her “the Sun.”



For me this book was much anticipated. I really enjoyed the first two books and found them both memorable and unique, so for the past few months I had been waiting in anticipation to get my hands on a copy of this book. When I finally got it, I dove right in, only to be left somewhat underwhelmed by this installment. It wasn’t bad, but it just didn’t have the punch that the first two books had. At least for me. The first book SILENT WARRIOR was humorous, action packed and steamy as all get out. The second book CAGED WARRIOR while pretty dark was intriguing, interesting, and seriously action packed all making this book as page turner. With BLOOD WARRIOR I was expecting a book loaded with action, but all we really got was a bunch of talking. Not much of anything happens, which makes the book drag in places.


Tallis was at least funny, so we got some laughs out of the book. As a character I actually liked Tallis, we met him in CAGED WARRIOR and he leaves an impression. As berserker he has great strength and speed and he knows how to wield them both, it’s a shame we don’t get to see it more. The action scenes there are, he’s pretty fierce! I wouldn’t want to tangle with him. He’s an intriguing character that I think Lindsey Piper could have done so much more with. He spends a lot of time swinging back and forth between liking and bashing Kavya, which can leave the reader with a bit of whiplash. A little push and pull is fun, but too much can just leave the reader doubting the romantic connection between characters which is what ended up happening for me. I didn’t doubt the attraction, but the “more” was tough to swallow.


Kavya, was a character I just never got into; which may also be part of the reason I wasn’t fully sold on the romance. She is supposed to be charismatic to the point that she starts a whole cult that basically worships her. What I found her to be was wishy washy and her character and ability was full of holes. Bu here is the thing, so Tellis started getting visits from the Sun at 20 years ago, when Kavya was 12. I find it very doubtful that at 12 when the Sun was just fully coming into their power it was able to find a certain mind halfway across the world (The Sun was in India, Tellis in Scottland) invade their mind in dream and with very graphic sexual dreams convince him to basically be its pet assassin. How was the Sun even find his mind and what did it know what it was looking for?? And how the hell did she build up her following? This was never really explained. There was something else with the Sun plotline that was really bugging me but I can’t discuss without some serious spoilers. The whole Sun plotline was just full of holes and too farfetched even by paranormal standards. Even if you take the whole Sun plotline away she just seems too weak, wishy washy, naïve and doesn’t have much in the personality department. I’m just not quite sure what Tellis sees in her.


The book wasn’t all bad, it was very well written and flowed very nicely. We get more in depth into the Dragon King world and I am still intrigued by the series as a whole and really want to see where it is going. The action scenes there are, are pretty great. I gotta say I really liked the blizzard scene. It had you perked up in your seat for a bit. The final show down there is a “twist” that you may or may not have seen coming to some degree. The fighting in the finale was pretty good Tellis gets to show off his skills. The sexy times while I wasn’t much of a fan of Kavya, I do have the admit the scenes were pretty hot. Tellis gives a pretty good strip tease; I wouldn’t have minded trading places with Kavya for that one. Oh to have a berserker of my very own! I wish! Although this book will not be my favorite of the series, I am not giving up on this series. I am still looking forward to the next book it definitely looks interesting.


*This copy was provided by the author for an honest review. No other compensation was provided.


Rating: 3.5 Romanticals


*This review can also be viewed at

Reviews-Dragon Heat Book #1 & Vampire Thirst Book #2 (The Dragon Heat Series) by Ella J. Phoenix


Dragon Heat (Book 1 in The Dragon Heat Series)
Rating: 5 Romanticals

I have to say that Ella has defiantly won me over. Ella will be on my auto buy list from now on.

Dragon Heat started out with a bang. I really love how we get the back story in the beginning for Zoricah and Tardieh. There is a glossary of terms to help at the beginning of this book. Ella does a great job of giving explanations as the book goes on so you aren’t left questioning what? and when?

Its very well written and the pace flows perfectly keeping my attention the whole time.  I loved this book because of the dragons. What a treat! I haven’t found many books with fascinating dragon’s in them so this one was great..

Zoricah is a demi-goddess and she is also a bad ass dragon with beautiful dark golden wings, she can shoot fire whips!! Hello.. how cool is that? Totally loved it 🙂

Tardieh is a handsome vampire king. They met 200 years ago when Zoricah saved Tardieh before he was king. When they cross paths again they have to find a way to work together. Will they be able to overcome everything and find happiness?  Well you will not want to stop reading to find out, I can promise you that 🙂 Their chemistry is off the charts. The sex scenes are erotic and sexy with lots of passion and emotion.

In this dark, magical and oh so sexy tale we are introduced to many intriguing characters that play big roles in the story. You will want to read more about each of them. The mix of all the extraordinary characters added to the story’s allure. I can’t wait to read more about Zoricah’s team of warriors and Tardieh’s team of warriors.

Oh boy! The ending was amazing.. It sets you up for the next book so you will be wanting to read it right away, so make sure to buy it!

Favorite Quotes
“He surprised her once more. His nose flared as if taking in a divine fragrance. His eyes went wild. An eerie red glow cloaked them for a split second: then his lips crashed against hers with unexpected passion”

Buy Link: Dragon Heat [Book 1]


Vampire Thirst (Book #2 in The Dragon Heat Series)
5 Romanticals

After devouring the first book (Dragon Heat) I was so excited to read this one. I consider myself lucky that I got to read book 1 &2 together. I was hooked and needed more of the magical and oh so sexy world Ella has created.

This book starts off giving us a recap of book #1 and we also get a glossary of terms at the beginning.

After the sizzling chemistry between Sam and Hikuro that was heating up my Kindle, I was dying to read about them. The way he acted at the end of book one had me wanting more.

Sam is a female warrior on Zoricah’s team. She is a powerful human with amazing powers. She has no idea how she got her powers and for her to control them she needs to find out where they came from.

Hikuro is a ninja vampire warrior. A badass samurai vampire.  He is one of the vampire king’s closest friends.

Sam and Hikuro meet in Book 1- Dragon Heat. Right away there is a burning connection that neither of them truly understands. Can they work together? Will Sam push him away? You have to read to find out!

In this dark, sexy and delicious book there yummy vampires, fascinating dragons, a really cool panther, and a mysterious shifter, mix in a few slimy razbians and we get a unique series with lots of mystery, action, and intense emotion with smoking hot sex. That is what I call my kind of book! 🙂

Exciting with lots of twists and turns bringing us more into Ella’s magical world. The ending was amazing! Ella’s story telling is superb and I can’t wait for Yara’s story.

Favorite Quotes:

“Life is so not a straight line, Sam thought as she felt the first signs of the teleporting free-fall envelop her. Life is more like a sequence of cycles. Childhood is one, teenage years another. You start green, thinking you are still in the last cycle; then things change, you crash, you cry, then you learn from that and you’re ready to move on to the next phase. And if you’re good to yourself, happiness will be sprinkled along the way.”

Buy Link: Vampire Thirst (Book 2 of the Dragon Heat series)

You can find Ella J. Pheonix here:

Spotlight: Jennifer Conner – I’ll Be Seeing You Through Time

I'll Be Seeing You Through Time TOUR BUTTON

The second book in the Dimension Keepers Series

I'll Be Seeing You Through Time (Dimension Keepers, #2)

An enchanting time-travel romance for fans of Jude Deveraux and Diana Gabaldon.

It’s 1942 and the world is at war. It’s difficult, but engaged couple, Jewel and Glenn, know they must say goodbye. Tomorrow, Glenn is shipping out on to the South Pacific. That is until he stops the Second Chance Bookstore on the way back to the base.

Suddenly, Glenn finds himself in 2013 with the woman he loves a half-century away.

Can the Dimension Keepers find an answer, or will Glenn and Jewel be ripped apart by the fabric of time forever?

Jennifer Conner

About this author:

I am a best-selling Northwest author who has two full length book in print and thirty ebooks.

Shot in the Dark and Christmas Chaos were in the Kindle sales top 20 ebooks. The Regimental Heroes is

a best selling historical romance series.

Shot in the Dark was a finalist in the Emerald City Opener, Cleveland, and Toronto RWA contests.

I live in a hundred year old house that I grew up in. Our semi-small town holds an interesting mix of resident hillbillies, yuppies and Navy Seals. And of course Seattle, only a few miles away, is the birthplace of Starbucks. I blow glass beads with a blow torch, (which relieves a lot of stress and people don’t bother you).


Find out more about Jennifer Conner by visiting her






Amazon Author Page:


Add It: I’ll Be Seeing You Through Time

Buy It:

Amazon: I’ll Be Seeing You Through Time (The Dimension Keepers)




Beautiful Necklace (see picture in Rafflecopter Widget) and autographed paperback of I’ll Be Seeing You Through Time



Two (2) runners up will receive winners choice of eBook from The Dimension Keepers Series

a Rafflecopter giveaway


July 8 – July 14

July 9:

Kelly P’s Blog –

Where the Night Kind Roam –


Miscellaneous Thoughts of A Bookaholic –

Mythical Books –

Fandom Fanatic –

Urban Girl Reader –

July 10:

Let’s Get Romantical –

Vampires, Werewolves & Fairies Oh My! –

3 Partners in Shopping –

July 11:

Literal Hotties Naughty Book Reviews –

Book Lovin’ Mamas –

July 12:

Book Monster Reviews –

Deal Sharing Aunt –

United by Books –

July 13:

Mad Hatter Reads –

Why I Can’t Stop Reading –

July 14:

Queen of All She Reads –

The Window Seat –

ARC Review: Michelle Willingham -To Sin with a Viking

Forbidden Vikings Series:

Book 1:

To Sin with a Viking: Styr Hardrata and Caragh Ó Brannon

To Sin with a Viking (Forbidden Vikings, #1)

Expected publication: July 23rd

Purchase on Amazon:  Michelle Willingham – To Sin with a Viking (Forbidden Vikings)



Playing With Fire!

Caragh Ó Brannon defended herself bravely when the enemy landed—only, now she finds herself alone with one very angry Viking…

Styr Hardrata sailed to Ireland intending to trade, never expecting to find himself held captive in chains by a beautiful Irish maiden.

The fiercely handsome warrior both terrifies and allures Caragh, but he is forbidden territory. He is the enemy…and he is married. Yet Styr harbors a secret that just might set them both free…

Forbidden Vikings

Resist them if you can!


I love love love historical Vikings! It’s a weakness right up there with bad boys and berserkers. There is just something about Vikings, maybe they because they are tall and very rough around the edges. Me take my woman! Sort of attitude. So when I saw a Michelle Willingham title I peeked up in interest as she is one of my favorite historical romance writers and then I saw it featured a Viking! SOLD!

I was not disappointed that I requested this title; I pretty much devoured it, cover to cover. Well theoretically since it is in ebook format but you get the idea. When we meet this proud Viking his marriage is in shambles, he wants to start his life anew with his wife by his side so they can work on their marriage. First, I got to say how much I loved that he wanted to work on his marriage and make things work. He is very loyal, and I loved how Willingham approached this. So Styr, his wife and his men leave their homeland and end up in Ireland after a particularly nasty storm, exhausted and half starved. They landed in a starved land, Caragh villiage is literally starving to death and her little brother takes it into his head to attack the Vikings to take their resources. So he takes Styr’s wife hostage and disappears. As Styr is about to strike a blow against Caragh she bashes him in the head and takes styr hostage while her brother gets away with his wife.

What is it with Viking stories with one of the characters taking the other as a captive?? I swear it is every damn one of them. LOL! In this case Styr isn’t captive for very long. Maybe only a day or two, but he kind of gets Stockholm syndrome and starts to feel protective of Caragh because he knows she is literally starving to death and still shared her food with him. He vows that even when he gets free he will teach her to survive and then take her with him to find his wife. He tells himself that he will need her to find her brother and not that he wants to protect her. Caragh for her part genuinely feels bad for her part in his captivity and her brother’s part in taking his wife hostage. So she agrees to help him find his wife. Caragh is genuinely a sweetheart and cares for others even to the determent of herself. You can’t not like her, she’s a sweetheart but she’s also no push over. A great balance.

So off they go to find his wife and her brother. More and more, these two find that they are more and more attracted to each other, but the circumstances are impossible. Styr is otherwise taken and he refuses to give up on both making his marriage work and finding his wife. You would think that the way this story is set up that there would have been creepy and that things would have gone further than they actually did. For the most part Styr stuck by his vows to his wife, even when his emotions were in turmoil. I really respected the way Willingham went about this as I hate cheating in a story and I could have been quickly been turned off. As these two went on their quest it looked more and more like finding his wife would be more difficult than expected, which gives Caragh and Styr more time to get to know each other in a non-physical way. From beginning to end Willingham takes you on an emotional charged tale with some action thrown in to keep things interesting. My only wish was that things with the wife could have come to a conclusion earlier so we could have gotten in some more sexy times, because when it happens it’s pretty explosive. =)

Rating: 4 Romanticals

*Copy was provided through NetGally for an honest review. No other compensation was provided.

Review: Colleen Hoover – This Girl

Slammed Series:

Book 3:

This Girl: Will Cooper and Layken Cohen

This Girl (Slammed, #3)

Purchase on Amazon: This Girl: A Novel



Layken and Will’s love has managed to withstand the toughest of circumstances and the young lovers, now married, are beginning to feel safe and secure in their union. As much as Layken relishes their new life together, she finds herself wanting to know everything there is to know about her husband, even though Will makes it clear he prefers to keep the painful memories of the past where they belong. Still, he can’t resist his wife’s pleas and so he begins to untangle his side of the story, revealing for the first time his most intimate feelings and thoughts, retelling both the good and bad moments, and sharing a few shocking confessions of his own from the time when they first met.

In This Girl, Will tells the story of their complicated relationship from his point of view. Their future rests on how well they deal with the past in this final installment of the beloved Slammed series.


This book is a look at Slammed from Will’s POV, their first meeting, what was going through his head when he found out that they could not be together and the other important parts of Slammed. If you have not read Slammed I do not recommend starting with this book as it is not a full accounting of Slammed, but just parts of it.

What I liked about this book besides it’s in Will’s POV is the back and forth between present day (on their honeymoon) and the past. There was a back and forth so you a little bit of their newly married life and those important moments in Slammed that tugged at your heart. And trust, Slammed tugged at your heart and in Will’s POV those moments do not lose that same feeling as from Lake’s POV and in some cases Will might just tug a little more. I didn’t end up crying in this book like I did in Slammed, mainly because I knew what was happening so nothing was a surprise but it was still intense. This was a great retelling from a males perspective. Hoover does a great job of getting into Wills mind and making us feel what he did. Definitely one of the better male POV books I’ve read.

I don’t really feel like this book was necessarily needed to round out this series, I could have left at the end of book 2 and been happy but it is not unwelcome. It was nice to connect with Will and Lake again and feel their breathtaking romance all over again. If you’re a fan of this series you will definitely love this book!

Rating 4 Romanticals

*This copy was provided to me through NetGalley for an honest review. No other compensation was provided.

Free Kindle eBooks:–07/07/2013

Hey all,

Welcome back to this weeks edition of free Kindle eBooks. As per the usual I get all of the information from Amazon directly and I have no idea how long these will be free so grab’em while you can!

Happy Downloading!


Immortal Becoming (The Enlightened Species Book One) – Wendy S. Hales


Click here for: Immortal Becoming (The Enlightened Species Book One)


Length: 371 pages

Shane Einar is a five hundred year old warrior, sworn to duty and honor. His species has inhabited the earth since the beginning of time. The source of vampire, elf and fairy myths, Volaticus are in reality something completely different. Shane never expected to meet Jess Reed, a female living amongst humanity completely unaware that she is a human/Elven hybrid race of Volaticus, or that she is on the throes of Becoming into her Elven traits. Shane should turn Jess over to the Symbiosis of Species Council, but his attraction to her along with her ability to enrapture him with a smile holds him back, and his suspicion that Jess is his bloodmate doesn’t help the matter. Jess had always been psychic, a painful and confusing fact of her life, but with Shane’s support she learns to control her abilities and discovers the psychically enlightened species that share her world. Together they sacrifice the power of their bloodmating in the battle to save females from the control of an Elven rogue.


Prophecy Of The Female Warrior (The Nephilim Warrior Series Book 1) – K.A. Young


Click here for Prophecy Of The Female Warrior (The Nephilim Warrior Series Book 1)


Length: 172 pages

Anna Wilkins is a prototypical housewife. She buys groceries, picks up the dry cleaning and hosts dinner parties. Everything was picture perfect from the outside looking in until the life she was born to live collided with the life she was living. Her husband is murdered by a creature from another realm, a creature that is only visible to her. Through her pain, his death awakens a part of her she didn’t know existed. She is then thrust into a life of Vampires, Werewolves and Sexy Nephilim Warriors. Drawn to her by a bond as old as their race, a Nephilim Warrior finds Anna at her darkest hour and seeks to arouse what lies dormant within her. The scorching sexual attraction she and the Warrior feel for one another may be beyond anything either of them can control…


Forgotten Soul (Soul Searchers Series: Book 1) – Sandra Edwards


Click here for Forgotten Soul (Soul Searchers Series: Book 1)


Length: 220 pages

Rio Laraquette thought the legend was nothing more than an enchanted tale about star-crossed lovers who left behind a fortune. That is, until she figures out that she–in a past life–was the culprit who stole a shipment of gold and silver and buried it somewhere in the hills of northern Nevada. While searching for the treasure, Rio’s heart begins to ache for a man who’s been dead more than one hundred years. They say time heals all wounds, but what if it doesn’t…?


Angels of the Knights – Fallon (Book 1, Paranormal Series) – Valerie Zambito


Angels of the Knights – Fallon (Book 1, Paranormal Series)


Length: 215 pages

Book One in the young adult paranormal fantasy series. When Fallon Angell died at the age of sixteen, her life changed forever. The hallowed world of Emperica is everything she had ever hoped for as a mortal–immeasurable beauty, unconditional love and light. But, with affection for humankind still burning within her, she joins the Knight Caste to train as an angel warrior. As a Knight, she will give up her wings and return to the place that killed her to use her unique powers to search out and destroy the evil Kjin that roam the earth. As a Knight, she will stop at nothing to protect the mortals in her care. The elders warn her that the path she chose will be a solitary one. That she will not have the same bond with humans as she once did. But, as far as she knows, the elders had never met Kade Royce. When her duties place her in the path of the handsome former cop, emotions buried long ago rise to the surface and she is powerless to ignore the depth of her feelings for this young man. She knows instinctively that she has found what most people search their entire lives for.  Ignoring the risks, she invites him into her world of danger, but soon their lives collide with explosive consequence. As a result, Fallon realizes with heartbreaking despair that she can no longer hide from the painful truth. In order for Kade to live, she must destroy him.


Wicked Sexy: Wicked, Book 1 (Wicked3) – R. G. Alexander


Click here for Wicked Sexy: Wicked, Book 1 (Wicked3)


Print Length: 84 pages

Callie has always known the Abbotts were different. Witches, though they call themselves “Magians”. They are her second family. Harrison Abbott has been her best friend since they were children. Tucker Abbott, her life-long crush. And their brother, Tyghe? A magical pain in her backside. When the Abbotts need her human perspective to solve a mystery, she doesn’t hesitate. Especially since it means getting everything she ever wanted. A chance to be one of them, to have magic, even if it’s only temporary. Someone is attacking young women at Triune, a ritual that helps Magians find their perfect threesome—the match that will complete their magic and their hearts. Callie expected to be dazzled by her first glimpse into the Magian world, but the bone-melting desire between her and the Abbott brothers isn’t part of the plan. Nor is the decades-old secret that makes her the target of a killer… Warning: Explicit sex, magical dresses, mind-reading rooms and mind-boggling threesomes.


Bound to Me – Jeannette Medina 

Click here for Bound to Me


Length: 70 pages

This is a Novella Ages 17 and Up A girl with nothing else to lose. A life that’s brought nothing but pain.  A tattoo that’s more than what it seems.
Eighteen-year old Veronica has had enough. Her alcoholic mother has only delivered a slew of abusive step-fathers and life is only getting harder. What was to be a simple tattoo for her birthday brings more than she ever imagined. Liam is a shape-shifting dragon. He lives on her shoulder, watching her, helping her. Having the dragon come to life and teaching her courage becomes a new lifeline for Veronica. But Liam will eventually become a permanent tattoo on her skin – never to take the shape of the protector she became attached to. Will she embrace her life or will a broken heart shatter her soul forever?


Shattered Promises (Shattered Promises, #1) – Jessica Sorensen


Click here for Shattered Promises (Shattered Promises, #1)


Length: 372 pages

**Mature Content Warning** 17+ for language and sexual content. (A re-imagining of my young adult book, The Fallen Star, told as a New Adult Paranormal. You can download the young adult version, The Fallen Star, for free on Amazon.) For twenty-one year-old Gemma, life has never been normal. She knows nothing about her past and has been haunted by the same monsters in her nightmares for the last few months. Unemotional and numb to life, she feels disconnected from everyone. Until the very first day she cries. After that, nothing in her life is the same. Her emotions slowly surface and she starts experiencing love, happiness, and anger, feelings she never knew existed. But they leave her confused and she doesn’t know whether to embrace them or run away from them. Her life only gets more complicated when she meets Alex. Sexy, arrogant, and secretive, Alex can get under Gemma’s skin like no one can. Yet she’s drawn to him by an invisible connection she has no control over. She’s also seen him before. In her nightmares. Every part of Gemma’s mind is screaming at her to stay away from Alex, but every other part of her is begging to get close to him. But the closer she gets, the more she realizes Alex knows more about her than he originally let on. As secrets about her past unravel, Gemma’s life becomes threatened. She needs to figure out what’s going on, before she winds up dead. But the only person she can turn to for answers is the one person she isn’t sure she can trust.


Gabriel’s Hope (#1, Rhyn Eternal) – LIZZY FORD


Click Here for Gabriel’s Hope (#1, Rhyn Eternal)


The continuation of the bestselling “Rhyn Trilogy” saga. Death Finds Love.
Recently appointed as Death, Gabriel’s life can’t get much worse. His underworld is in shambles, and he’s racing demons to collect souls in the human world. To add to his mess, he discovers that his predecessor raised an unwelcome Immortal from the dead, one who threatens the Immortal Council that his friend, the Ancient Rhyn, is trying to hold together. When the underworld shuts Gabriel out, he’s convinced he’s hit rock bottom. Until he meets her, and he realizes things can get worse. Much worse. Now in human form, Deidre – Gabriel’s predecessor and long-time tormenter – is dying from a brain tumor. Rather than mourn, she decides to enjoy the rest of her short life by checking off every box on her bucket list. Little does she suspect that a weekend getaway to the beach will throw her into the hands of Death himself and overturn everything she knows about her world. Deidre has no idea who she was in her past life, but she must learn fast, or she’ll never understand why the Immortals, demons and Death alike are after her. The secret is buried in her head, and the only way to uncover it will kill her. To survive, she must reach the wounded man behind the mask of Death and show him that the world is filled with more than tragedy and pain.


MARKED (Eternal Guardians #1) – Elisabeth Naughton


Click here for MARKED (Eternal Guardians #1)


Length: 321 pages

THERON – Dark haired, duty bound and deceptively deadly. He’s the leader of the Argonauts, an elite group of guardians that defends the immortal realm from threats of the Underworld. From the moment he walked into the club, Casey knew this guy was different. Men like that just didn’t exist in real life–silky shoulder-length hair, chest impossibly broad, and a predatory manner that just screamed dark and dangerous. He was looking for something. Her. She was the one. She had the mark. Casey had to die so his kind could live, and it was Theron’s duty to bring her in. But even as a 200-year-old descendent of Hercules, he wasn’t strong enough to resist the pull in her fathomless eyes, to tear himself away from the heat of her body. As war with the Underworld nears, someone will have to make the ultimate sacrifice.


Rainy Nights: Three Novels – J.R. Rain


Click here for Rainy Nights: Three Novels


Length: 393 pages

Mother, wife, private investigator…vampire. Six years ago federal agent Samantha Moon was the perfect wife and mother, your typical soccer mom with the minivan and suburban home. Then the unthinkable happens, an attack that changes her life forever. And forever is a very long time for a vampire. Now the world at large thinks Samantha has developed a rare skin disease, a disease which forces her to quit her day job and stay out of the light of the sun. Now working the night shift as a private investigator, Samantha is hired by Kingsley Fulcrum to investigate the murder attempt on his life, a horrific scene captured on TV and seen around the country. But as the case unfolds, Samantha discovers Kingsley isn’t exactly what he appears to be; after all, there is a reason why he survived five shots to the head.
Dark Horse takes place in Huntington Beach, California. Surf City, USA. Written in the tradition of Robert B. Parker’s Spenser and Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe, Dark Horse introduces a new hard-hitting, wise-cracking hero with a modern twist. When high school student Derrick Booker, the only black student at a posh Orange County high school, is accused of killing his white girlfriend, ex-college football hero and detective Jim Knighthorse is hired to dig a little deeper into the murder. It doesn’t take long for Knighthorse to realize that not all is as it seems at tranquil Huntington High, from a band director who preys on the innocent to a vice-principal with a secret agenda of her own. Not to mention someone’s hired a professional killer to keep Knighthorse permanently off the case.
Three years ago, high school student Veronica Fortune witnessed the brutal murder of her parents. Now armed and dangerous, she sets out to hunt down the very thing that destroyed her life. That is, until she disappears. Spinoza is a private investigator who specializes in finding the missing. He’s good at what he does. Damn good. But he’s also a recovering alcoholic and a royal mess. Hired to find Veronica, Spinoza won’t let his personal demons—or demons of any kind—get in the way of finding the truth about the missing girl. Now following a bizarre set of clues that leads him into stranger and stranger territory, Spinoza is about to come face-to-face with something legendary…and something hungry for blood.


Ask a Shadow to Dance – Linda George


Click here for Ask a Shadow to Dance


Length: 246 pages

Two riverboats. Two people in different centuries. Can love find a way to keep them together? While attending a dance on board the Memphis Queen III, Dr. David Stewart sees a woman standing in the shadows, dressed in black, with a veil covering her face. Lisette’s old-fashioned clothes, speech, and her fascination with “new” landmarks common to present-day Memphis fascinate him. The next morning, David reads an article about the disappearance of the Cajun Star, in 1885, the most luxurious riverboat ever to sail the Mississippi. On the list of passengers he finds Lisette’s name – and his own. Somehow, David must find a way to go back to 1885 in order to keep Lisette and himself off a riverboat destined to leave Memphis and never be seen again. Ask a Shadow to Dance will leave the reader breathless with suspense and desperate for David and Lisette to find a way to be together – in one century or the other.


Surrender – Melody Anne


Click here for Surrender


Length: 430 pages

THIS IS BOOK ONE IN A 4 BOOK SERIES Raffaello (Rafe) Palazzo takes what he wants with no regrets. Arianna (Ari) Lynn Harlow has led a charmed life until tragedy strikes her family. He’s looking for a no-emotions attached mistress, she’s looking for redemption. They are not a pair that should ever work, but undeniable attraction and devastating tragedies bring them together in the city by the bay where he fights to keep their relationship nothing more than an enjoyable way to meet his needs, and she battles to not lose herself in him. Spending time with Ari starts cracking the hard shell that Rafe has built around his heart, but he denies the affect she has on him until it’s too late to stop the inevitable conclusion that their relationship is headed for. Rafe once believed in happily ever after, coming from a large Italian family. He’s got the Midas touch, since every endeavor he tries turns to gold. That all ends when his wife walks out the door and leaves him blindsided. His devastation quickly turns to steel when he decides no woman will fool him again. From that point on he treats relationships as nothing more than business transactions where both party’s come out mutually benefited. Just when Ari has sunk to the lowest she’s ever been she finds an ad in the paper announcing a job that’s too good to be true. It turns out she’s right. She makes it through the intense rounds of interviews only to find out the job is for a mistress to the powerful Rafe Palazzo, owner of Palazzo Enterprises. Rafe gives her a day to think about whether she wants the position or not, and she’s sent on her way, only to find out her mother’s near-terminal position has taken a turn for the worse. Her mom’s only in the hospital because Ari messed up, and her mother’s the one who paid the price. Is Rafe her savior, or will he take her with him straight to the depths of hell?


Saving Grace (Serve and Protect Series) – Norah Wilson


Click here for Saving Grace (Serve and Protect Series)


Length: 227 pages

After wrecking her car and waking in hospital with amnesia, fledgling reporter Grace Morgan has no idea why she’d been in the process of leaving the husband she loves so dearly. Her husband, Police Detective Ray (Razor) Morgan tells her she was leaving him for another man, but that just can’t be so. Can it? She’s determined to remember, even if it kills her. And it just might. When bullets start to fly, Ray is forced to take the wife he believes faithless on the lam until they can figure out who is trying to kill them.


The Breakup (Lost in Italy) – Brenda Grate


Click here for The Breakup (Lost in Italy)


Length: 256 pages

In The Breakup, Aja Rain has sliced all ties with her controlling boyfriend. She accidentally used a knife, and now she has become something of a media sensation. Her family wants her ex-boyfriend to pay an even steeper price for his transgressions against Aja, but she won’t be a part of it. To escape the media attention and the conflict between her family and Stephen, her ex-boyfriend, Aja flees to Italy. There she finds vineyards, golden landscapes, Marco and Pietro. It is time to put her life back together. She does not know her ex-boyfriend is on his way. He is not finished with her yet. The Breakup is a romantic tale of a woman who longs to be with the right man, only to realize that searching for Mr. Right has led her down the wrong path. Will she find what she is looking for? Will Stephen get his revenge?


Lady Bess – Claudy Conn


Click here for Lady Bess


Length: 197 pages

Bess Saunders has fallen in love. He is big, he is charmingly masculine, and his Scottish accent sends her reeling with very unmaiden-like desires. Having inherited his mother’s English home and title, Earl of Dunkirk of Scotland is considered a prize catch by the haute ton. He knows one day he will have to marry to carry on his name, but he wants a wife who ‘understands’ they will each go their own way after she gives him an heir—a marriage of convenience. Lady Bess does not fit into those plans. How could she? She is exquisite, yes, but she is also an innocent who expects faithfulness. He won’t ruin an innocent, and yet, he can’t get her out of his head.
All this time, and right in their midst, evil hovers. Although Bess doesn’t look for it, she finds it—and Bess is not your average, simpering female. She takes on danger and mayhem like she does everything else: full throttle. Adventure ensues as we travel with Bess through romance and the battle of her life.


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Best of 2013 So Far…

Hey all,

So we are officially into the second half of the year so I put together a list of my favorites so far this year for all genres.

Best of 2013 so far:


1. Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling, #12) – Nalini Singh

Heart of Obsidian  (Psy-Changeling, #12)

Buy It: Heart of Obsidian (PSY/CHANGELING)

2. Heart of Iron (London Steampunk, #2) – Bec McMaster

Heart of Iron (London Steampunk, #2)

Buy It: Heart of Iron

3. Twice Tempted (Night Prince, #2) – Jeaniene Frost

Twice Tempted (Night Prince, #2)

Buy It: Twice Tempted: A Night Prince Novel

4. A Cursed Embrace (Weird Girls, #2) – Cecy Robson

A Cursed Embrace (Weird Girls, #2)

Buy It: A Cursed Embrace: A Weird Girls Novel

5. Wolf with Benefits (Pride, #8) – Shelly Laurenston

Wolf with Benefits (Pride, #8)

Buy It: Wolf with Benefits (The Pride Series)

6. Night Blade (Colbana Files #2) – J.C. Daniels

Night Blade (Colbana Files, #2)

Buy It: Night Blade (Colbana Files)

7. Winterblaze (Darkest London, #3) – Kristen Callihan

Winterblaze (Darkest London, #3)

Buy It: Winterblaze (Darkest London)

8. Mating Instinct (Moon Shifter, #3) – Katie Reus

Mating Instinct (Moon Shifter, #3)

Buy It: Mating Instinct: A Moon Shifter Novel

9. A Witch’s Handbook of Kisses and Curses (Half Moon Hollow, #2) – Molly Harper

A Witch's Handbook of Kisses and Curses (Half Moon Hollow, #2)

Buy It: A Witch’s Handbook of Kisses and Curses

10. Caged Warrior (Dragon Kings, #1) – Lindsey Piper

Caged Warrior (Dragon Kings, #1)

Buy It: Caged Warrior: Dragon Kings Book One (The Dragon Kings)


1. The Forever of Ella and Micha (The Secret, #2) – Jessica Sorensen

The Forever of Ella and Micha (The Secret, #2)

Buy It: The Forever of Ella and Micha

2. After Hours – Cara McKenna

After Hours

Buy It: After Hours: (InterMix)

3. Own the Wind (Chaos, #1) – Kristen Ashley

Own the Wind (Chaos, #1)

Buy It: Own the Wind: A Chaos Novel

4. Beyond Control (Beyond, #2) – Kit Rocha

Beyond Control (Beyond, #2)

Buy It: Beyond Control (Beyond, Book Two)

5. Hot Ticket (Sinners on Tour, #3) – Olivia Cunning

Hot Ticket (Sinners on Tour, #3)

Buy It: Hot Ticket: Sinners on Tour (The Sinners on Tour)

6. When Summer Comes (Whiskey Creek, #3) – Brenda Novak

When Summer Comes (Whiskey Creek, #3)

Buy It: When Summer Comes (Whiskey Creek)

7. Two of a Kind (Fool’s Gold #11) – Susan Mallery

Two of a Kind (Fool's Gold, #11)

Buy It: Two of a Kind (Fool’s Gold)

8. Forgotten Sins (Sins Brothers, #1) – Rebecca Zanetti

Forgotten Sins (Sins Brothers, #1)

Buy It: Forgotten Sins

9. Fire Inside (Chaos, #2) – Kristen Ashley

Fire Inside (Chaos, #2)

Buy It: Fire Inside: A Chaos Novel

10. The Accidental Prince – Michelle Willingham

The Accidental Prince (Accidental #4)

Buy It: The Accidental Prince (Harlequin Historical)


1. Wild Invitation (Psy-Changeling 0.5, 3.5, 9.5, 10.5) – Nalini Singh

Wild Invitation (Psy-Changeling 0.5, 3.5, 9.5, 10.5)

Buy It: Wild Invitation: A Psy/Changeling Anthology (Psy-Changeling)

2. Twisted (Dark Protectors, #5.5) – Rebecca Zanetti

Twisted  (Dark Protectors, #5.5)

Buy It: Twisted (Dark Protectors)

3. Breathe Me In (Ross Siblings, #2.5) – Cherrie Lynn

Breathe Me In  (Ross Siblings, #2.5)

Buy It: Breathe Me In

4. Reluctant (The MacKays #3) – Kerrigan Byrne

Reluctant (The MacKays #3)

Buy It: Reluctant (Highland Historical) (The MacKays #3)

5. The Mistress Files (The Original Sinners #3.5) – Tiffany Reisz

The Mistress Files (The Original Sinners #3.5)

Buy It: The Mistress Files:

6. Silent Warrior (Dragon Kings, #0.5) – Lindsey Piper

Silent Warrior (Dragon Kings, #0.5)

Buy It: Silent Warrior

7. Tarnished Knight (London Steampunk, #1.5) – Bec McMaster

Tarnished Knight (London Steampunk, #1.5)

Buy It: Tarnished Knight (London Steampunk)

8. Beyond Denial (Beyond, #2.5) – Kit Rocha

Beyond Denial (Beyond, #2.5)

Read It: Beyond Denial

9. All Over You (Devoured, #0.5) – Emily Snow

All Over You (Devoured, #0.5)

Buy It: All Over You: A Devoured Novella

10. After Dark (Lords of the Underworld #4.5) – Gena Showalter and Kait Ballenger

After Dark (Lords of The Underworld, #4.5; Execution Underground, #0.5)

Buy It: After Dark: The Darkest Angel\Shadow Hunter

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