Amandas Page

Hey there! I’m Amanda, the other reviewer for this awesomeness of a blog that is called “Let’s Get Romantical” !  For this blog I review Historical Romance, Contemporary Romance and Erotica of various genres.  I do read Paranormal but don’t review it for this blog for the most part. Dawn has that genre covered and I review paranormal solely for my other blog “Romancing the Paranormal”.  If you would like to see some of those reviews stop on by to check it out.

I have loved reading for as long as I can remember.  It was not uncommon for my mom to see my light on WAY past my bed time, with a sharp knock and a “Get to BED” shouted through the door. So I often took to hiding under my covers with a flashlight to hide my reading from my mom. LOL! I’m sure other readers can attest to having similar childhood memories. One of the first books I can truly remember falling in love with was “Anne of Green Gables” I loved it so much that my mom bought me a special edition for a present for some special occasion. Other kids probably would have been horrified at receiving a book for a present, but not me, I treasured that book for many years.  Do you guys remember the Book It program? Well I always got my personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut because my reading card was always full. Haha

Now as an adult I still read WAY past my bed time, I just don’t have to hide it anymore. J I live in the Phoenix, Az area and enjoy desert living.  In addition to reading I love to dance, travel, listen to music, chill with friends and family, eat, blog and shop. I have a book, makeup, shoe and bag obsession and it’s not uncommon for me to be haunting sales with my sister or best friend. We all have a problem and should probably seek help but that’s no fun! I am single with no kids so I have plenty of time to indulge in my favorite things.

Music is another one of my passions. I usually have my music on when I am home. It is rare for me to not have it on in the background. I love most genres of music and my playlists are notorious for being all over the place. I get bored if one type of music is playing for too long. Variety is the spice of life! I also enjoy finding new music and comb through Amazon’s free MP3’s on a fairly regular basis. I have found some great songs that way.

So welcome to our blog.  Hope you enjoy our reviews and stick around for a while !


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