Reviews- Claudy Conn

jodiBuy Link:
Hungry Moon-Jodi

Review: 5 Romaticals

This book is a followup to QuickSilver Destiny. Claudy does a great job picking up where Destiny left off.

We met young Jodi in Destiny. She was just beginning to come into her own. Kelsey helped Jodi and they became great friends.

Jodi now works at a magic school and she comes across horrible murders happening on campus. She is a white witch who wants to stop the murders.
She goes out to do that and comes across Shane.

Shane is a blonde handsome heart racing hunk of a man with an accent that melts your insides. He has some secrets too…

Right away the sparks fly between them. Can they work together to stop this evil villain?

Claudy delivers suspenseful action, mystery and intrigue and hot passionate sex scenes.. A MUST Read!


AAibhe Shee Queen

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Aaibhe-Shee Queen (Legend series Book 0)

Review: 5 Romanticals

In this novella we get a background on the Legend Series, Seelie Fae.

The lovely Queen Aaibhe tells the story. Its like Aaibhe’s beauty comes off the pages and the emotion floods into your body.

Aaibhe is thousands of years old and with that she became board with sex, she no longer wanted to bother with it. Well that was until she met Conall. Things were very different with him. She began dreaming and thinking of things she never thought she could have. Conall was her true mate but one thing will prevent their happiness, his mortality.

Conall a human druid priest knew of his Queen. He heard a lot about her but never thought he would ever meet her. One day he was blessed with a visit from her. Even though she dimmed her presence he was able to tell it was her, Aaibhe was amazed with that. Right away sparks flew off the pages.

This novella was packed with passion and emotion. I laughed and cried and oh boy did I sigh sigh sigh with delight!

You have to read this novella… It is a Must Read!!!




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Disorderly Lady

Review: 5 Romanticals
Bella is a hoot!! Oh boy did I laugh a ton when reading this book..

Claudy does a spectacular job of telling this tale of love and laughter.

Bella goes to stay with her aunt so she can have a season. She comes across a handsome rogue the Earl of Magdalen. At first meeting he got the wrong impression of her and she never corrected him.

The Earl of Magdelen is not ready to get married, even though his uncle thinks its time. His uncle asked for a favor and on his way to take care of the favor he ran into a beautiful young woman. He would only get her first name Bella. Right away he knew she was different. She made him feel. For the first time he was very confused by it all. He knew something wasn’t right about her and he planned on figuring it out.

The Earl of Magdalen Shawn Standon and Bella had a number of spicy encounters throughout the story heating up the pages leaving you wanting, no needing more..

Will Bella come clean to the Earl? and if she does will she lose him?

Read this book if you enjoy fun, witty characters and a passion filled love story with lots of laughs.