WIN SIGNED copies of Tiffany Reisz Original Sinners Series

CLOSED!! Winners will be contacted


Hey all!

We are stoked to be giving away a total of four signed books signed by the wonderful Tiffany Reisz! Dawn was lucky enough to meet Ms. Reisz at a signing and I made her grab me a copy of the Angel and a copy of the Angel for a giveaway. Tiffany Reisz was wonderful enough to also sign and mail to me The Siren and the Prince and if that wasn’t enough she decided to throw in a signed copy of the Mistress as well. Tell me that isn’t cool as hell of her to do!

I thought about giving away the set as a whole to one lucky winner but ultimately decided to spread the love and give four winners one copy. So what I am going to do is in the Rafflecopter I have made leaving a comment a mandatory item. In the comments please list in order your desired book. Picked winner #1 will get the first choice and winner #2 will get next pick based on their comment list and so on.

I have also made one other item mandatory. I am making it required that you follow Lets Get Romantical in some sort of way. We don’t care how, it can be via email, Linky, FB, Twitter, etc… But since this is kind of a special giveaway and likely will not be able to happen again in the near future this is probably the one time we will make it mandatory.  The more ways you follow the more points you earn! I didn’t make it mandatory that you follow Tiffany Reisz in some sort of manner but do her a solid for being so cool and like her FB page or follow on twitter, something. Her fB, Twitter and Newsletter info are all in the Rafflecopter and you can earn points for following her too.



Because of shipping costs regrettably, this giveaway is only open to the US. I apologize to my international peeps.

Directly below is the link to Rafflecopter. Please fill it out and don’t forget to leave your comment because if you don’t leave a comment you’ll get whatever is left and you know you want to at least TRY for your favorite.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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